Saturday, March 14, 2009

Come join our Yahoo! egroup

IF you are a member of UNC High School Batch '85, we have an active Yahoo! Group being moderated by Weng Esmilla. Joining is easy: just drop her an email at

See you there!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Tonight's meeting...

...was attended by (from left) Sharon Chavez-de la Cruz, Lynn Palmiano-Santy, Alan de los Reyes, and Glenn Merilles.

I'll post other details next week.

Batchmates, our blogsite is up!

Last Saturday, July 23, a core group of University of Nueva Caceres (UNC) high school alumni belonging to Batch '85 met at Villa Caceres Hotel and began finalizing plans for our first-ever participation in the UNC Alumni Homecoming on December 29, 2005.

These efforts were impelled by the fact that (a) it is our 20th anniversary this coming December, and (b) by 2010, our batch will be hosting the alumi homecoming, that year being our 25th anniversary.

We have established this blog as a means of touching base with members of our batch, and coordinating efforts to ensure the success of our planned events.

Obviously, the first order of business is to build an updated directory of Batch '85 members, including information as to their current whereabouts and contact details.

If by any chance you are able to visit this site, please feel free to email me your updated contact information at

Mabuhay an UNC Batch '85!